Fan speed resistor is an important functional unit in the recirculation system of vehicle air conditioning. 鼓风机调速电阻是汽车空调冷热循环系统中的功能部件。
Easily changeable capacitor and resistor unit, to meet the testing requirements of other standards. 可以非常方便地更换阻容套件,以满足不同标准的试验要求。
The accuracy CT and precision resistor convert the current flowing in the power line into the voltage signal. The voltage signal is modulated and transferred to the optical pulse, which is transmitted to the low potential area through optical fiber and demodulated by signal processing unit. 高压线路的待测电流经小型高准确度CT和精密电阻变为弱电压信号,再经调制电路和发光二极管转换为光脉冲信号,通过光纤传输到低压端进行信号解调和处理。
The load resistor of generator neutral transformer is designed by the theory of the capacitance between the generator-transformer unit and the earth. 发电机中性点配电变压器二次负载阻值是按发电机及机端设备对地电容理论值设计的。